About SeePurE
Have you ever wanted to step into a movie and feel like you are truly IN it? 你有沒有想過走進一部電影,覺得自己真的在裡面?
Movies provide escape and fantasy.. 電影提供逃避和幻想。
Moviegoers are eager for life-like experiences in theatres without the eyepieces. 劇院影迷渴望生活般的立體無需佩戴 3 維眼鏡。
People are increasingly
turning to streaming devices
and in-home entertainment
because the theatre experience
is not compelling enough
Features of the SeePurE Experience SeePurE體驗的特點
Specialties 特別的特徵
•3D Imagery (without needing to use eyepieces). 裸眼 3D立體圖像 (無需戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡)
•360 Full surround theatre imagery (front, walls, ceilings, floors) 360 度全方位環繞影院圖像(正面、牆壁、天花板、地板)
•Reclining Chairs that shake, sway, move
•Scent and other nature elements pumped out 氣味和其他自然元素被抽出
The most immersive and realistic movie theatre experience to exist. 最身臨其境和最逼真的電影院體驗。 You will feel like you are “IN” the movie. 你會覺得自己“在”電影中。